You can find our best practices to introduce Wellness Coach to your team below in order of most effective.
To increase registrations and inform your company of your Wellness Coach benefit, we recommend promoting how to get started with Wellness Coach in your company-wide communications. Below, you can find a quick email blurb about the app, a downloadable PDF to share, our logo, and more:
1. Shout out Wellness Coach in a company-wide meeting
Download these PowerPoint Slides to give your team a 5-minute overview of the app.
2. Copy and paste as much of the blurb as you see fit to your internal employee communications:
We have partnered with Wellness Coach to make it easy and fun for you to access and prioritize holistic wellness at work and home. Wellness Coach provides access to hundreds of certified coaches, well-being content, live wellness classes, and more. The platform has over 3,500 on-demand classes, curated Programs, and easily accessible challenges that train you in key areas of wellness, including mental wellness, sleep, stress & anxiety management, fitness, nutrition, finance, and beyond. You are invited to log in with your work email address to receive premium access. Please see the attached PDF to get started.
3. Send our App Download Guide*
Download and post this Wellness Coach download guide* here to instruct your employees on how to download the Wellness Coach mobile app.
*Please use this guide if all your employees have work email addresses. If some employees have personal emails, please request a special download guide for your company from your Wellness Coach contact.
4. Post this demo video to introduce the Wellness Coach app's features:
5. Post about us!
If you would like to feature Wellness Coach in your own emails, marketing, social media, or newsletters, access our media-kit here.